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"I am a very unpredictable individual. I welcome change and devour it wholly upon its entry into my life. It is for this reason
and the availability of information that posts will be erratic in submission, some days nothing, some days five posts. Keep one eye open....."

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Body Bits

I've decided at this point to explain the science behind body bits. The beauty of this method of work is that it is so concrete that it will be successful whether you know how it operates or not. However, just like a car, you'll get there faster if you know how to drive it.

Body bits are pieces you take from a person to aid in a spell directed at them for any reason; protection, malice, whatever. Bits include but are not limited to fingernail clippings, spit, hair, seamen, urine, scabs and anything else that can be excavated from a human or other animal. Because it is a part of the person's body, it is loaded with their essence and is still tethered to them energetically, providing a tunnel between them and the fingernail within which you can send energy or intent, whichever you like.

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The Other Side

Death...The final frontier.

Okay enough of that. Every religion supports a belief in some kind of afterlife. Luckily for you atheists, you no longer have to trudge through the hardships of life working for thirty years just to ultimately be reduced to worm food. Science now has an explanation for you.

A few years ago scientists discovered what they've dubbed the "shadow" dimension, one parallel to our own that consists of an energy replica of every last animate entity on our planet. It is also considered by many white coats to be the fourth dimension. And here's the shocker: the concrete dimension we've grown to know and love makes up less than one percent of our universe. This includes all matter such as planets and everything contained therein - us included. So, if our dimension is completely replicated but accounts for only one percent of all existence, what is the shadow dimension replicating with the other ninety nine percent? The fourth dimension is said to include dimensions one through four, including placement, space, depth, and the fourth, time. But to spare you the headache of quantum physics (yes, this is quantum physics), I'll write an article on the science and what it means to us at another time.

At any rate, the Shadow Dimension contains energy duplicates of everything, both parallel and intersecting. This means you exist twice, and according to Einstein energy can not be destroyed, only altered. The outcome? Science has discovered the human soul, fated to forever perpetuate based on constant change and the raw dynamics of energy.

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I was getting a spiritual cleansing from my friend Auntie Lisa (a very legit and highly powerful voodoo priestess) when she told me I was a healer and to research "hot hands". I had a problem with Google when all I got in terms of results was a bunch of ads for warm napkins sold for roughly 50 cents at random gas stations. Eventually, I came into a fair amount of information.

First off, let me note that the book "Hot Hands Healing" is a bunch of malarchy. Why do I say that? Because, you can't teach innate ability. Think of it like blindness; your eyes either work, or they don't. The book suggests that the ability to heal can be taught by buying the book (of course) and maybe participating in a few workshops. You'd save a fortune just by accepting your limitations. I'm not saying you can't, but I am saying that you can't "learn how" - it just happens. Know this, I will not apologize for these statements. Not everybody is a healer, not everybody can heal. Some people can heal to a certain degree but are not healers, I'm talking about a type of soul, not an isolated trait. But don't feel bad, there are many other innate abilities out there you may possess, and I will touch on them as time goes by. Besides, I never wanted to be a healer, I'd rather have necromancy any day of the week.

Moving on, "hot hands" is a term used loosely to describe warm energy that is output through someone's hands and can be used to heal the sick, stressed or mentally disturbed, depending on the healer. The nature of the warmth does not behave like typical body heat as it rises off of the palm of the hand and can be felt 7 inches away or more. For those of you who can see energy, a healer's hands may be orange or yellow, whereas the rest of their energy body will be a color on the other end of the spectrum, more often than not blue.

Healers are naturally drawn to comfort and it is for this reason that the share a lot of personality traits. They typically like cool colors, the night air, they dress comfortably, and have a ridiculous number of fluffy pillows (or some equivalent thereof). Seventy percent of healers sleep a lot, and when they're not sleeping their activity level is dependent entirely on their exposure to raw energy. Animals are drawn to them, especially dogs, the most empathic of the animal kingdom (minus the yippy ones, who share more traits with rodents than wolves).

All healers have empathy, which is the innate ability to sense emotion and disposition in others, human and animal alike. From an evolutionary standpoint, it's probably so they can sense sickness in order to heal it. Let me rephrase: all healers have empathy, but not all empathics are healers. However, if you are an empath, I strongly encourage you further look into healers, as you may very well be one. Empathy in healers is a very good thing because though overwhelming for them at times, they are extremely dangerous without it. Healers also have the ability to harm. They can give sickness just as easily as they can take it away, and the impact of feeling what the subject feels prevents malice from the healer.

Test Your Ability

Though healing is a natural ability, concentration can both focus and amplify the impact and end result of the effort. The next time you encounter a sick person (start small, like someone with a cold) stand near them and visualize red energy around them. This is the sickness. Now imagine the red energy slowly changing to green energy (or blue, everything is relative with energy work). When the red energy has completely dissipated, you're done. Yes, it is that simple. You're energy does the work for you, all you have to do is focus it.

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