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"I am a very unpredictable individual. I welcome change and devour it wholly upon its entry into my life. It is for this reason
and the availability of information that posts will be erratic in submission, some days nothing, some days five posts. Keep one eye open....."

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Update on Strigoi

In this post I am more or less just touching base with you to let you know I haven't vanished. In recent days an unreal unfolding of events has driven me to take a short pause for field work on Indigo Children and much more so the Annunaki and their business with the year 2012. It seems there has been a shift in the underlying forces that drive the physical plane, I'd almost say there is a tear between the parallel planes is causing the fluid or "energy" plane to bleed over into the physical plane. And it seems everyone who is strongly connected is being effected by this. If you have been , come forward. Comment to this post with your email address and I will send you questions to better understand what's going on, then explain everything to you to the best of my ability.

In the meantime, be looking for other posts of various nature. The future has not prompted me to neglect the past.



Blogger glytch said...

I have noticed some strange happenings myself--in my dreams, in the way that I affect the world around me--as have many of my friends who are sensitive to the deeper side of things.
We would all like to know what's going on, as much as anybody CAN know.

March 9, 2008 at 8:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

my dreams have been very disturbed lately nearly everynight i wake up with shock in a cold sweat

August 3, 2008 at 10:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have been feeling out of sorts for while now. First, I tried blaming it on the elevation. I recently relocated. But spirits have been more determined to get my attention while I am awake (moving things on the dresser or in my closet)or in my dreams. I have seen definite increased activity. I concur a definite strong change and I didn't know what to call it. Thanks for apprising!

March 29, 2011 at 7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was looking at some Black Magic spells the other night, then I went to sleep. I started having normal dreams I would usually get, and then in my dream I ended up almost ended up bumping into a dead bat corpse. And woke up quickly. Then I went back to sleep and dreamt about the continuation of the bat dream and I saw in the continuation, that I killed the bat and it started to haunt me but it was dead. So I woke up again once and for all. (It was morning)
It was a normal dream, but first time I dream about something different like a dead Bat, especially after looking at some Black Magic spells (without doing them, just looking at them.) Does dreaming about killing a bat, or a dead bat mean anything. It sounds similar to the Crow dream you talked about. If it is something normal, or if it means anything someone pls contact my email.
It might be a normal dream, but I just want to know.

February 18, 2012 at 3:02 AM  

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